Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cramer-Krasselt: An Agent that ISN'T a Secret

Have you ever seen the Carona beer commercial where there are various scenes where a couple enjoys the taste of the beer together or have you ever seen the Porsche Panamera commercial where all the different Porsche cars are driving in the desert, then the Panamera comes through and all of the other cars branch out and they form a family tree? If you have, then you know of some work from Cramer-Krasselt, an advertising agency has been around since 1898. Cramer-Krasselt is the second largest independent agency in the U.S. and was created in Milwaukee.

This company has worked with many of the biggest companies around such as CareerBuilder, Edward Jones, the Blue Man Group, and they have also worked with big Milwaukee based company Airtran Airways. This agency does a great job of finding simple, intelligent ways to grasp the attention of the audience or demographic they want for any product. For an example, Airtran Airways was really unpopular in Milwaukee for many reasons and people didn't want to choose their airlines for traveling, but CK came up with marketing techniques that were undeniably great that people started trusting and liking the company. Some of the techniques were designing the outside of planes in the Milwaukee Brewers colors and logos, giving many job opportunities to Milwaukee people, and got them to serve warm cookies on the airplanes. Great techniques to change the outlook of a airline people hate can do wonders. To see all of the great things they have done, go to their website http://www.c-k.com/# for more info.

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